Version Updatess

Version 1.4.16
Welcome to the 1st Oct 2023 – 31st OCt 2023 (Anushashana) release of SquareNow. We called the past sprint as Anushashana. There are many updates in this ver...
Wed, 8 Nov, 2023 at 10:02 AM
Version Update 1.4.17 -Ashvamedika
Welcome to the 1st Nov 2023 – 30st Nov 2023 (Ashvamedika) release of SquareNow. We called the past sprint as Ashvamedika. There are many updates in this ver...
Tue, 5 Dec, 2023 at 7:08 PM
Version update 1.4.18 Ashramavashika
Welcome to the 1st Dec 2023 – 31st Dec 2023 (Ashramavashika) release of SquareNow. We called the past sprint as Ashramavashika. There are many updates in th...
Wed, 3 Jan, 2024 at 6:21 PM
Version Update Mausala 1.4.19
Welcome to the 1st Jan 2024 – 31st Jan 2024 (Mausala) release of SquareNow. We called the past sprint as Mausala. There are many updates in this version tha...
Fri, 2 Feb, 2024 at 1:39 PM
Version Update 1.4.20 Mahaprasthanika
Welcome to the 1st Feb 2024 – 29th Feb 2024 (Mahaprasthanika) release of SquareNow. We called the past sprint as Mahaprasthanika. There are many updates in ...
Thu, 7 Mar, 2024 at 2:52 PM
Svargarohana Version update 1.4.21
Welcome to the 1st Mar 2024 – 31st Mar 2024 (Svargarohana) release of SquareNow. We called the past sprint as Svargarohana. There are many updates in this v...
Thu, 4 Apr, 2024 at 6:08 PM