Welcome to the 1st Feb 2023 - Mar 31 2023 (Bhishma) release of SquareNow. We called the past sprint as Bhishma. There are many updates in this version that we hope you'll like, some of the key highlights include 



RBI guidelines updated: 

New changes done as per the RBI guidelines, If the member’s Annual Income is below 3 lakhs, loans cannot be given



Post Audit Tool :


Training needs to be given after disbursement for that, we have an option called Post Audit Tool



Group Type in Member Details Report:

Added the Group Type under Member Details Report



Client Death Marking Option:

   In Web Member Collection page - Death Marking option is added.  On the particular LoanIndex View "Mark As Dead" button is there. Once you clicked that it will ask for the death details. Once update with Demand Required/not. It will start showing the demand based on that.



Rejection Checklist:

Rejection Checklist added in Reject Model

Digital Collection Option:

Digital Collection Option Added in Mobile App- During the denomination it will ask for Cash or Digital. If the mode of payment is Digital, check on Digital and proceed with the payment.


Auto Generation of Journal Vouchers:

Auto generating Loan disbursement entries must bear with JV Level code is done


Search Option and Drop Down:

1. search option working based on AMOUNT, VOUCHER NUMBER, CREATED BY, ACCOUN HEAD 

2.  Type of voucher like Payment and Receipt Added in dropdown .. you can filter now 

Rejection Option for Loan Proposal:

Rejectionn option is added in Loan Proposal Along with Notes.


EXPORT PDF option:

Export PDF option added in bank daybook and cashbook daybook  in EOD page.







Family Member Relationship list added in Mobile App:




The following bugs have been checked identified the root cause and resolved.


  • Double time entry
  • Wallet amount not generate in cash EOD
  • Excess EMI credited
  • KYC sourced report -not working
  • Auditing tool page related
  • Unable to upload nominee id proofs in SN app
  • We want see outstanding balance and defaulter number in credit check
  • Not able to edit from deputy manager and loan officer
  • Loan tenure need to change for 1 member
  • Questionnaire option is not showing
  • Revert option related
  • Centre transfer date wrongly show
  • Aadhar QR code scanning
  • Denomination not showing
  • In Poanta centre customers loan tenure is showing wrong
  • Enrolment purpose
  • Dashboard page amount showing wrongly
  • Auditing proposal need to delete
  • Collection approve done on bank instead of cash
  • Ledger report not working
  • Collection Approval wrongly done on bank
  • Product Change
  • Unable to modify Journal Entry Voucher
  • EOD Approval - Yet to Approve Error
  • Add Member Web
  • Add Member Web
  • Add Member Web
  • Meeting time update
  • Meeting time in Mobile App
  • Member Old ID not showing
  • Post Audit tool Bug
  • Opening wrongly showing-Day book petty cash in hand
  • Member account page
  • Internet calculations not working
  • Needamangalam branch Amount differ
  • Post audit tool bug validation
  • 2-Thiruvaiyaru 117 mathur 3A
  • Wallet advance not settled in cash book
  • Auditing creation issue
  • Master-Group
  • Master-Centre
  • Master-Centre-No Loan Warning
  • Master-Group-No Loan centre warning
  • Master-Group
  • Loan disbursed amount showing difference in CBS
  • Grocery Loan delete
  • Post audit tool report
  • Day book not generating
  • Master-Role issue
  • Master-Staff issues
  • Needamangalam amount not reflected on branch, repayment, eod page
  • 19th jan-needamangalam branch issue
  • 25th Jan needamangalam branch issue
  • 27th Jan needamangalam branch issue
  • loan card error
  • Transfer the staff
  • Wallet pay issue
  • Day book excess amount
  • Axis bank ledger not reflecting in day book
  • EOD submit button not working in PAFT inclusive login
  • Audit and post audit tool bug
  • Master Insurance company and thrift
  • Old login to new bc login member transfer
  • Repayment EOD amount not match
  • Old login to new bc login member transfer
  • Not able to add member through web
  • Loan index page approve admin login
  • Repayment report not generating
  • Difference in day book and loan disbursement
  • Ledger reports
  • Difference in repayment collection report and inter branch contra
  • Opening balance shows as 0 in PAFT inclusive login
  • Not able to do collection
  • OTP is not sent to mobile number
  • Wrong transaction generated
  • Need to undisbursed-Pattu-1-38-1-9
  • Journal entry Missing
  • Member audit replication
  • Multiple member id identified
  • Member page-smart search not working
  • Collection entry issue
  • Audit and post audit report
  • Repayment report not downloading for PAT and PAFT
  • IDBI forms related for all SOL id's
  • Wallet advance not settled in cash book
  • Principal and interest not generated
  • Unable to add level account code
  • Reg Reports downloading problem
  • Addition of Questionary
  • Repayment & Eod amount not match
  • Member page-Tab remove
  • Post audit and auditing tool report
  • Login issues-idbi branches
  • Collection approve issue
  • Collection amount not credited in loan account
  • Difference in day book and loan disbursement
  • Month wise trial balance shows incorrect value
  • Axis bank ledger book not reflecting in day book
  • Closing Balance difference
  • Repayment collection report-missing members
  • Journal Entry-missing issue
  • Auditing tool shows incomplete
  • Loan start date changes in loan upload members
  • Urgent-Credit Appraisal-Tenure and Emi amount are getting published incorrectly
  • Dashboard loading issues
  • Centre not coming in the dashboard
  • Outstanding mismatch in velicham
  • Need to rectify past date change in ledgers
  • Group name edit option for admin when no active loan
  • Disbursement Vs Finance Journal transactions
  • Thanjavur Personal Loan
  • In Journal Voucher - Debit, Credit shows mismatch
  • Change Loan Officer
  • Wallet Entry need to be retrieved
  • Centre transfer member show double time in Demand Collection Report
  • Member Detail Report
  • Repayment Report - Collection Entry not show 
  • 1250-Arrear due but showing wrongly in total collection
  • EOD Closing Balance mismatch
  • EOD and Repayment Not match
  • Wallet Received getting double entry
  • Showing invalid date in loan schedule
  • Outstanding different
  • Image change on PAFT inclusive login
  • Branch dcb report
  • EOD page submit option is error
  • Same id is for 2 customers
  • Wallet pay issue
  • Arrear collection not showing
  • Outstanding balance wrongly updated
  • two decimal amount for insurance
  • EOD page error
  • EMI payment SMS related
  • Saturday collection not showing
  • Nominee details for the closed members
  • Could not add the voucher in PAFT inclusive login
  • Request you to change the group name-Trust
  • Pre closed collection page issue
  • Grocery loan thrift added
  • Request you to change group for the 2 members in trust
  • Edit option for loan disbursed clients
  • Aadhar verification not working properly
  • Change nominee details
  • Wallet remove option not working
  • Opening wrongly showing in day book petty cash in hand
  • Wrong data in member details report
  • Repayment due shuffling
  • Preclose loan member not show
  • Disbursement of grocery active loan members
  • EOD page -MFI and grocery loan collection view separately
  • Outstanding balance wrong updated
  • Need ticketing tool login for new staff
  • Unable to change IFSC
  • Regarding EOD problem
  • Unable to view the uploaded photos
  • Face sheet issue-High priority
  • Centre name wrongly updated
  • Duplicate member id's are generated when adding new members
  • Difference in daybook-high priority
  • GRT is not visible to us
  • Nominee details are missing in Insurance report
  • Due number change
  • Aadhar number wrongly updated on first time 
  • Wallet used and journal entry not match
  • Insurance report issue
  • Wrong info in main page
  • Wrong info is showing in member details report
  • EOD day book issue
  • EOD page error
  • Outstanding report alignment issue
  • Day order select option not show
  • Repayment due no shuffling
  • Showing excess amount in EOD page
  • Highmark check error
  • OTP related issue
  • Revert option
  • Over due report -ADV Amount show wrong 
  • Outstanding Balance WRONG UPDATED
  • Member's documents are not visible in CGT, Pre GRT & GRT in Mobile App
  • Request you to upload Loan details from back end - TRUST
  • Difference in Repayment amount between DCB Report & Repayment report - Jan 2023
  • Wallet used and journal entry not match
  • Repayment issue
  • Revert options not able to work in admin id
  • Entered collection amount missed
  • Mobile app is not working
  • EOD and Repayment not match
  • EOD collection not approved
  • Auditing tool report not generating
  • Loan index not deleted
  • Explain the option of product
  • EOD page minus amount show
  • Document can’t be uploaded
  • Repayment schedule not match with the product
  • Loan schedule issue
  • SMS not received by clients
  • Issue in Marital Status-Single
  • Changes need to be done in loan application-Pdf file
  • Repayment report
  • Edit option for approved clients for branch manager
  • Repayment alignment issue - New BC login
  • Arrear follow Up report- show wrong
  • EOD - Difference amount show
  • Demand collection - PDF format empty
  • Collection entry showing as double in Repayment report and in EOD Page (PAT)
  • Change meeting report - Not download
  • Opening wrongly showing in Day book (Petty Cash in hand)
  • Change Request - has to remove mandatory in Co-Applicant Photo...
  • Loan Disbursement Report Error 
  • Can't able to view the details of member
  • Repayment report -Alignment issue
  • Loan disbursement date change
  • The Interest in Repayment schedule differs from Fact Sheet
  • Opening wrongly showing in Day book (Petty Cash in hand)
  • Repayment report -Not download
  • Member Details cannot be viewed and approved for some users
  • centre time not able to change
  • Change in No. of Instalment *High Priority*
  • Demand Collection Issue
  • EOD page - collection not approved
  • Collection reverted
  • Arrear collection amount mismatch
  • Active members - Staff details show wrong
  • Unable to do EOD - High Priority 
  • Same Member ID
  • Collection approve not showing in EOD Page
  • Individual Loan
  • Request you to delete transaction in the name of our Staffs in Laraksha Impact
  • SMS- wrongly send
  • Inter branch contra - Difference |
  • Nominee Coapplicant Button
  • In JV - Debit - credit shows mismatch
  • Edit option not working - Bank Receipt Voucher
  • Demand collection difference -Admin & branch side
  • Loan tenure need to change for 5-50-2-6
  • Loan tenure need to change for 3-39-2-10
  • Difference in Repayment and Daybook - HIGH PRIORITY
  • Major Issue in Mobile Collections entries - Laraksha Trust
  • Credit assessment issue
  • Alignment issue
  • Collection entry issue
  • conference call discussed- issues 
  • Reg: Loan Document Correction
  • Account Receivable - others not reflecting in Day book - HIGH PRIORITY
  • Incorrect member ID is showing in the member details report
  • Demand Collection Details
  • Grocery loan- sub added
  • Individual Loan 
  • Reg: Credit Assessment Check Modification
  • Centre transfer- reverted
  • Aadhar QR code scan - Color coding
  • Error in due count details in main page
  • Need Attendance details of a centre
  • conference call discussed- issues on 7.3.2023
  • EOD yesterday closing balance mismatch
  • Loan start date need to change
  • Auditing Tool Issue - HIGH PRIORITY 
  • Cannot check the CRIF score urgent
  • Reg: Need help in Loan Index creation 
  • Arrear entry error
  • Group officer Name shows wrong
  • Due amount shows wrong
  • Cannot able to view the Highmark Details
  • Mobile app -collection denomination amount show wrong
  • Need to change the start date
  • Operation enhancements & issues
  • Grocery loan delete
  • Wallet amount need to delete
  • Reg: Auditing Tool issue 
  • collection not showing in eod nor repayment report
  • Need to restrict creation of Loan Proposal - HIGH PRIORITY 
  • Report - Issue 
  • Option to change start date for disbursed loans
  • Repayment Collection Report Issue
  • Member not show in -mobile app
  • Reg; OTP Not working while doing Enrolment 
  • Issues in Auditing Tool, Can't able to assign Credit Appraisal. 
  • Wallet pay - Issue
  • Reg; Need view option for the images that uploaded in Vouchers
  • In Mobile App - Limited Screens are displaying in Credit Appraisal 
  • Old s/w Vs New S/w amount differ
  • Reg: Need "All" option on Accounts head in leger report
  • Demand Amount Error
  • Transfer Funder Issue
  • Issues
  • Demand collection report -Matured & Arrear due issue
  • interest waiver- amount edition
  • Highmark issue
  • Credit assessment pass percentage
  • Reg: Need to remove a member from a completed auditing tool
  • Auditing tool shows incomplete
  • Reg: Member not loading for loa index
  • As on Date  in portfolio report
  • Issue in Portfolio report
  • Funder not working properly
  • Regarding EOD problem
  • Manargudi branch-Collection done wrongly on bank
  • Individual button not showing in Auditing tool
  • BC login EOD page Funder missing
  • Update City master for Manipur state
  • Wallet pay issue high priority
  • Group officer need to change
  • Incorrect data showing in Portfolio at Risk Report
  • Aadhar No dame client(Client with Nominee)
  • Bank and Cash transaction issue
  • Loan cycle issue-Differ monthly loan
  • Member loan cancel
  • Member staff Export all button
  • Repayment collection report not showing
  • Regarding Repayment collection Report
  • Auditing tool not working on mobile app
  • Old s/w member not in new s/w
  • Due number show wrong
  • Case ID of Incorrect showing of clients in MemberDetailsReports 
  • Reg:Existing product change
  • Demand collection report -loan amount mismatch
  • Member approve not open for this member
  • Laraksha impact new login issue
  • EOD page collection mismatch in cashbook
  • Sarvam preclose page need outstanding
  • Loan disbursement issue
  • Highmark fail customer loan process
  • Admin access to edit the centre and group even if it has active loans
  • Aadhar number show wrong
  • Member not loading loan index
  • Member loan delete
  • Sub amount not added
  • Member home address mismatch in member details report
  • Loan disbursement page not working
  • Could not approve the loan index
  • Mobile app issues in collection entries
  • Member id of some clients showing wrong in Member details report
  • Bank/cash voucher update mode disabled
  • NEft amount showing incorrect
  • Due amount shows wrong
  • Need to remove a member from a completed auditing tool
  • Insurance amount udpation for existing products
  • Disbursement revert related
  • Currency conversion charges ledger missing