Welcome to the 1st December 2022 - January 31 2023 (UDYOGA) release of SquareNow. We called the past sprint as UDYOGA. There are many updates in this version that we hope you'll like, some of the key highlights include 



Workflow Dashboard: 

Workflow management for financial institutions is a process of organizing, tracking and optimizing the flow of tasks and activities involved in delivering financial products or services. It is important for financial institutions because it helps:


Streamline operations: Automating routine tasks and standardizing processes improve efficiency and reduce errors.


Improve customer experience: By tracking the status of tasks and ensuring timely completion, institutions can provide better and faster service to clients.


Enhance regulatory compliance: Workflow management helps ensure compliance with regulations and reduces the risk of fines and reputational damage.


Increase transparency and accountability: By documenting and tracking tasks and responsibilities, workflow management increases transparency and accountability in operations.


Drive innovation: By freeing up staff from repetitive tasks, institutions can allocate more resources towards innovation and strategic initiatives.


To start with you can enable this from the option given in the profile or Contact our Support.

We included the new option called workflow dashboard which shows where the file is and who is handling it. By clicking on it, you can have a detailed view of it.





Member details :


Added 2 more tabs for Disbursed and Register members


Sales Dashboard:

A sales dashboard is a visual representation of key sales metrics and KPIs, displayed in real-time or near-real-time. It typically provides a quick and easy way to track sales performance, monitor progress against targets, and identify trends and opportunities. Some common metrics displayed on sales dashboards include sales revenue, number of deals won, conversion rates, and average deal size.







RO WISE Full database

An RO-wise database refers to a database organized by geographical regions or "ROs" (Regional Offices). In this type of database, data is grouped and stored based on the geographical area it pertains to, allowing for easy analysis and reporting on a regional level. This can be useful for organizations with a large number of locations or franchises, as it allows them to monitor and track performance at a local level while also having a comprehensive view of overall performance. The database can store various types of data such as sales data, customer data, employee data, and other relevant information.



MSME Application:

MSME (Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises) Application is a type of software designed to support the needs of small and medium-sized businesses. The purpose of an MSME application is to streamline various business processes and improve operational efficiency. Some common features of MSME applications include:

  • Accounting and finance management: to manage invoices, expenses, and cash flow.
  • Inventory management: to keep track of stock levels, product information, and purchase orders.
  • Customer relationship management (CRM): to manage customer interactions, sales, and marketing.
  • Human resource management: to manage employee information, payroll, and benefits.
  • Reporting and analytics: to generate reports on business performance, sales, and other key metrics.

The goal of an MSME application is to provide a single platform for businesses to manage all their core operations, reduce manual work and minimize errors, and gain insights into their business performance.










TAT Report:

TAT (Turnaround Time) report is a performance metric used to measure the efficiency of a process, typically in the context of service delivery. The TAT report tracks the time it takes for a task or request to be completed from start to finish, including all the steps involved. This metric is commonly used in fields such as customer service, healthcare, and manufacturing.


The TAT report provides valuable information about the efficiency of a process, helping organizations identify bottlenecks, optimize workflows, and improve overall performance. It can also be used to track and monitor performance over time, set targets, and measure progress towards improvement. A TAT report typically includes the following information:


Start time: the time when the task or request was initiated.

End time: the time when the task or request was completed.


TAT: the total time it took to complete the task or request, calculated as the difference between the start and end times.

Average TAT: the average TAT for a specified period, typically over a week or a month.

Target TAT: the expected or desired TAT for a task or request.

By regularly tracking and monitoring TAT, organizations can identify areas for improvement, reduce wait times, and enhance the overall customer experience.



Aadhar Verification:


Aadhaar verification is the process of confirming the authenticity of an individual's Aadhaar card, which is a government-issued ID card in India. The verification process helps to ensure that the Aadhaar card belongs to the person who is claiming it and is being used for the correct purposes.

There are several methods of Aadhaar verification, including:

  • OTP (One-Time Password) verification: a verification code is sent to the registered mobile number, which is then entered on the verification platform to confirm the identity of the individual.
  • Biometric verification: the individual provides a fingerprint or iris scan, which is compared to the biometric data stored in the Aadhaar database to confirm their identity.
  • QR code verification: the individual presents a printed or digital copy of their Aadhaar card with a QR code, which can be scanned to confirm their identity.
  • Demographic verification: the individual provides demographic information such as their name, address, and date of birth, which is compared to the information stored in the Aadhaar database to confirm their identity.

Aadhaar verification is commonly used in various contexts, such as opening a bank account, applying for a loan, or obtaining a SIM card for a mobile phone. The goal of the verification process is to ensure the accuracy and security of the Aadhaar system and to prevent fraudulent use of the Aadhaar card.





Deactivate the ID of the staff:

once the staff is unpublished, it will automatically deactivate the staff id.


Auto EOD for Saturday and Sunday:

Auto EOD (End-of-Day) is a process that typically occurs at the end of each business day, during which transactions and activities from that day are processed, reconciled, and summarized. For organizations that operate on a five-day workweek, the Auto EOD process may occur automatically on weekdays.

However, if the organization operates on a seven-day workweek or is open on weekends, it may be necessary to implement an Auto EOD process for Saturday and Sunday as well. This process would ensure that all transactions and activities from the weekends are processed and accounted for in a timely and efficient manner.

  • An Auto EOD process for Saturday and Sunday may involve:
  • Closing out the cash register and reconciling the cash drawer.
  • Processing any transactions or sales that occurred over the weekend.
  • Generating and reviewing reports, such as sales reports and customer activity reports, to track performance and identify trends.
  • Updating inventory levels and customer information, if necessary.
  • Preparing the system for the next business day.

The goal of the Auto EOD process is to ensure that the organization's financial information is accurate and up-to-date, regardless of when transactions occur. Implementing an Auto EOD process for Saturday and Sunday can help organizations to minimize manual work and errors, and provide accurate financial information for decision-making and planning.

Aadhar Number in Insurance:

Added Aadhar number column in Insurance Report UI and Excel Export




The following bugs have been checked identified the root cause and resolved.

  • Wrong loan index
  • Branch dcb for Ananya issue
  • Collection Approval issue
  • Group officer name shows wrong
  • Wallet used not showing in collection
  • Collection approved in bank collection but not received in bank voucher
  • Masters branch testing
  • Member mandatory access
  • Delete the Extra amount from wallet
  • Nominee relationship status
  • False collection updated
  • Collection Collected but not showing
  • November’s repayment member id shows wrong
  • Issue in member approval while creating loan index
  • EOD page error
  • Eod page error
  • Delete the extra amount from wallet
  • There is a problem with software in filling kyc
  • Old s/w vs new s/w amount difference
  • Collection approve page error
  • Unable to approve client
  • Audit tool issue
  • Delete the extra amount from the wallet

  • Web arrear collection page
  • Loan term need to change 
  • Repayment mismatch of sep month of herbetpur branch
  • Denomination error
  • Collection approval page and EOD-not showing approved
  • Wallet amount not shown in repayment report
  • Application, Loan card and sanction letter corrections
  • Sathyamangalam branch centre timing change request 26.12.22
  • Overdue report pivot table not coming
  • Delete the extra amount from wallet
  • Sub not added
  • Member collection page-interest update issue
  • In loan disbursement account is not created
  • PAR report not proper arrangement
  • Not show this member in PAR report
  • Delete the extra amount from wallet
  • Branch dcb report
  • Collection approval issue
  • 1676-Aadakara street 1 centre assigning
  • Future demand report issue
  • Active member report-Laraksha impact nbfc
  • Group officer change issue
  • Inter branch contra-Amount mismatch in decimals
  • LD error disbursement amount not shown in outstanding
  • Member mapping in group
  • 6-132-2-4 Priyanka Devi start is showing wrong
  • Funding line blank showing
  • Advance collection - wallet amount excess added
  • Group change issue
  • Last repay date wrong found in data
  • Member Loan detail not found
  • Demand collection report- due collection status not show
  • Collection skipped from due date
  • For loan application form sanction letter correction
  • In demand collection showing us duplicate members
  • Thrift amount not added
  • Enhancement on member collection-Anandita
  • Thrift not added
  • Repayment report-alignment issue
  • Demand collection pdf allignment issue
  • Demand collection-Excel export allignment issue
  • Repayment report Allignment issue power query
  • Repayment allignment issue
  • Namakkal division 2 branch different members same id showing
  • Centre number 144 is showing wrong due date in Balmiki basti
  • Member details is downloading wrong
  • Audit tool
  • BCBF Vendor Files
  • Outstanding diff sep & aug
  • Grocery loan delete
  • EOD page collection approved is error
  • Closing balance not tally EOD page as on 17-12-22
  • Demand amount showing incorrect in collection approve
  • Change nominee Aadhar card number
  • Collection date
  • Future demand report
  • Highmark Upload
  • Trail Balance Mismatch till 31-12-22
  • Pre disbursement photo upload
  • Member collection issues
  • Demand collection issues
  • Demand collection difference
  • Member MFI loan double time show
  • Dashboard - EOD Opening balance not show
  • Login page testing
  • EOD page opening balance error
  • Gold loan thrift added
  • Member outstanding amount not show
  • Loan disbursement allignment issue
  • EOD page collection not approved
  • Need option to type alphabets in account number field
  • BM unable to approve 
  • EOD page collection not approved
  • Meeting date issue
  • JLG id issue
  • Thrift not added
  • Opening wrongly showing in Day book (Petty cash in hand)
  • Account delete
  • Account delete
  • Thrift not added
  • Wrongly done bank entry collection approve
  • Bulk revert idbi ayothipattinam
  • EOD and cash balance difference
  • Individual loan switch off
  • Ledger report issue
  • EOD submit error
  • Loan card thrift not added
  • BankBI issue
  • IDBI export-IDBI member loan
  • Day Order Change-Thiruvaiyaru branch
  • Loan card issue
  • Those who have been disbursement on 28-07-22, their due date of 04-01+23 has to be deleted
  • Wallet amount not reflected in the voucher-200 need to be reflected
  • Demand collection-member wise report
  • Wallet used not generated journal entry
  • Repayment report-entry issue
  • EOD and repayment not match
  • Repayment report thrift not added
  • Ledger report issue
  • Difference TVR - not able to close EOD app
  • Member loan delete
  • EOD page issue
  • Eod page error-something went wrong
  • Wallet used not generated journal entry
  • Wrong show due date of 2 clients in Murzapur
  • Wallet advance not settled in cash book
  • namakkal division kulithalai branch members msg not going
  • Nominee relationship options
  • NBFC login member attendance report issues
  • Not able to edit from deputy manager
  • Cash account heads issue
  • Wallet amount not reflected on voucher
  • Wallet collection not reflecting in closing balance
  • Wallet amount not reflected on voucher
  • REg: Balance
  • Difference in day book and Trial balance
  • Member details is not shown in its group after it gets approved
  • Day book difference- after loan disbursement dec 5,6,9,12
  • EOD collection not approve
  • Eod page collection approved is error
  • Loan index error
  • Need to select branch option in finance login
  • Format error of Aadhar number 
  • EOD page opening balance
  • Active loan members-closed status view
  • Wallet used revert but journal entry not removed
  • EOD page collection and receipt entry mismatch
  • Wallet amount 
  • Member kyc updated status
  • Funding amount not reflected on EOD page and repayment report coming blank
  • Member showing wrongly Coll approve page
  • Phone number issue
  • Couldn't able to complete audit report
  • Dashboard - EOD status PDK branch not show
  • Overdue report - As on date & from to date mismatch in member count
  • Opening wrongly showing in day book (Petty cash in hand)-Repeated issue
  • Journal entry not passed of wallet amount
  • Closing balance not tally EOD page
  • EOD principal and interest mismatch
  • Voucher number is not sequential
  • Savings account not tallied
  • Double journal voucher generated for same wallet used
  • Daybook difference in insurance payable
  • Principal and Interest Wrong calculated on EOD 
  • Wallet advance not settled in Cash book
  • Trial balance head changes
  • Opening wrongly showing in daybook
  • Wallet amount not reflected on voucher
  • Journal Voucher no issue
  • EOD and Repayment not match
  • Wallet used and journal entry not match
  • LO access to CRIF report
  • Member document upload issue
  • Auditing tool page related
  • Mobile app not responding - member application
  • Total amount not showing in receipt
  • Collection updated correctly-but reports showing wrongly
  • Groups not showing for demand collection
  • Demand collection entry posting issue
  • Unable to upload nominee id proofs in SN app
  • Documents is not updating in mobile app
  • Aadhar card mismatch
  • Collection receipt-closing time in box
  • Member document issue
  • Mobile app- member family details not show
  • Active Loan Edit issue
  • Mismatch in customer due payment -mobile app
  • Denomination-collection denomination details
  • Member is not showing in Arrear collection
  • Overdue report -member show double time
  • Not able to do collection
  • Urgent Loan index which we have already done have crashed, request you to do it from backend
  • Dashboard-yet to collect status error
  • EOD page collection approve is error
  • Not able to view the customer
  • Advance entry
  • Collection approval issue
  • We want see outstanding balance and defaulter number in credit check
  • Denomination coming wrongly in software
  • Repayment report something went wrong or loading issues
  • Repayment report something went wrong or loading issues
  • Unable to create loan index for centre 5209
  • Denomination not reflecting in software sir
  • Amount not reflecting in the report collection, Eod page
  • Mobile app-Enable the Final day
  • Highmark summary need to show in mobile app
  • Amount not reflecting in the report collection, EOD page
  • Pre disbursement photo upload
  • Dinakaran collection showing blank
  • Mannargudi branch new branch showing thanjavur centre
  • Not able to edit from deputy manager and loan officer
  • Mobile number OTP verification
  • In a loan disbursement account is not reflected
  • Member wrongly show
  • Members missing in Audit form
  • Amount revert of all members of centre number 404
  • Centre transferred showing in regular disbursement
  • Member id incorrect presenting in closing data
  • KYC sourced report -not working
  • unable to add member to the group
  • Member not showing after CRIF check
  • Same unique id reflect in backend upload member
  • Member page UID issue
  • Group officer name shows wrong
  • Repayment schedule
  • Due date issue is coming in centre 144
  • Eod status wrongly showing on the homepage
  • Unable to make any changes
  • Audit not completed issue
  • Member active in Ponta branch but collection showing in herbertpur branch
  • Urgent- Approval button disabled
  • Babita loan shoeing in Suman Aadhar card
  • Grocery loan - due date double time show
  • Back date collection auto reverted
  • Unable to change start date
  • Audit tool appraisal issue
  • Day wise EMI calculation-high priority
  • Repayment sheet not downloaded
  • Issue in overdue report
  • Highmark data submission
  • Loan Index Auto removed
  • Member id different
  • Centre transfer member not show
  • Urgent: Critical issue
  • Audit tool issue
  • Account head automatically changed
  • Repayment completed but still showing balance
  • 13 and 14th customer where out of agreement
  • Avanti funder mapping
  • Aadhar number upload
  • Change meeting report-column need
  • Centerwise loan indexpage-center drop down issue
  • Insurance Report Column Allignment
  • Critical issue: Member mismatch in due
  • Credit assement tool report issue
  • Mobile app is running very slow
  • Finance Account head related
  • Center transfer date wrongly show
  • Aadhar QR code scanning
  • Denomination not showing
  • Collection approve done on bank instead of cash
  • Eod page allignment issue
  • Grocery loan thrift added
  • Ledger report not working
  • Unable to modify Journal Entry Voucher
  • Post Audit tool Bug