Welcome to the October -November 2022 (VIRATA) release of SquareNow. We called the past sprint as VIRATA. There are many updates in this version that we hope you'll like, some of the key highlights include 

All Option

In Today collection status all option is given

Update on Photo for Reloan members in app

Update the new house photo of Reloan Member in Mobile app


Switch Option

Switch option provided for specific clients based on request



Aadhar Verification

Aadhar verification in Web without otp is enabled for the requested clients


Sanction Letter 

Sanction Letter is developed for the requested Clients

Add Member Auto Populate

While Adding member the member will auto populate in web. Please find the below Loom Video link for the same




Web Notification

Push Notification Enabled in Web


Backend Upload:

Upload Option for Members Creation and Loan Creation for requested clients


Minimum No.of Group Members

Added min number of group members option on profile page based on that pop up will show on group page





Deliquence Check in Highmark

Default Member check added in Highmark Rules. Now you can set the rule if default member needs to be check


Backend upload

Member backend upload file option done for the requested clients


Yet to Approve in Loan Status

In Loan disbursement report, "Yet to Approve" filter added under Loan Status.



Loan Agreement 

Changes in Loan Agreement done as per the client request


OTP verification

Otp verification enabled for New members


Extra tab in Member Page

Added extra tab recheck and added recheck button on approve tab



P&L and Balance Sheet

In reports in P&L & Balance Sheet Bottom of the report President & Trustee is reflecting in the report, changed the same to Authorized Signatory.



Appraisal status column in auditing tool 

Auditing tool appraisal status column added. if all members appraisal done means it will show appraisal done otherwise it will show yet to approve only







  • Loan disbursement report error rectified
  • Access restriction according to branch assigned
  • Transfer centre issue resolved
  • Member audit tool issues fixed
  • Audit tool image corrected
  • User mapping disabled as Google is charging 0.60paise per click
  • Member loan closed as per request
  • Variations in mobile app corrected
  • Centre name not showing error fixed
  • Outstanding difference corrected
  • Appraisal issues fixed
  • Customer image issues fixed
  • Wallet amount issues fixed
  • Member Enrolment verified
  • Mobile app issues fixed
  • Arrear collection issue resolved
  • Member id issue fixed
  • Repayment issue resolved
  • Day book entries corrected
  • EOD page issues fixed
  • Loan cycle issues fixed
  • Group number issue rectified
  • Auditing tool issue resolved
  • Finance issues resolved
  • Reports issues fixed