Welcome to the September – October 2022 (VANA) release of SquareNow. We called the past sprint as VANA. There are many updates in this version that we hope you'll like, some of the key highlights include 

Write off recovery 

Once the Member is marked as Write off customer, we provided the option to do the recovery.


Add on location in house visit in app

Distance from the Member house and Centre is calculated and their latitude and longitude is saved at the backend on every house visit.


A mandatory version update for mobile app

Whenever there is a version update happens on mobile app from the backend, the mobile app asks for mandatory update on the app


Group form download option 

Operations - Loan Index Proposal -> Centerwise Loan Index -> Edit Proposal -> View All Member

The option for downloading Group form is introduced under View JLG.



Attendance for every one hour is enabled

You can track Field Officer’s location for every one hour, by enabling Attendance option for every one hour.

To enable Attendance option,

Go to Profile -> Click on Officer Attendance Needed button


On the Mobile App

Check for Co-borrower Highmark 


In Web:

Goto Profile -> Swtich on IsCoapplicant Highmark Check Needed button





In Mobile App

Agriculture Land Value Option

Agriculture Land Value and Size option given in Web. This Option can be found while creating a Member or while editing a Member


The Insurance Fee Column is added in Member Creation

Insurance fee for the customer based on their profile become a huge task that needed the attention, So included this in the Range Product Insurance Fee


Download the Excel option given in EOD

To do the excel analytics on the End of day provided the option for the user to download the report on EOD from Dashboard.


Comment box for loan approval/rejection

Now made the Notes even more easy based on the Approve and reject resons from Member Approval From.

Extra info in group amount added

Added extra column father name, Nominee Name and Nominee Relationship on Group amount export excel file


Nominee Aadhar verification in mobile app

Go to profile and switch on the below button “Check Nominee Aadhar existing to verify member”. This option is provided because the user Nominee will be applying for loan while doing the verification this need to be considered into Consideration.


TopUp Loan option given

Consider that if the user has a Loan of 25K and he or she paid of around 10K with the outstanding of 15K, if you wanted to top up a loan of another 20K you can use this process.


Co-borrower signature added in mobile app

 Included this especially during the Claiming process this will be helpful/ Signature from the co-applicant either way it can be used.



Additional display field in auditing tool 

Added the Appraisal status on over all table view






  • Processing fee, cgst and sgst corrected
  • Collection Receipt Related issue resolved
  • mobile app member edits given
  • Repayment issue resolved
  • Issue in Add member page resolved
  • Auditing tool corrections done
  • Demand Collection details Dashboard corrected
  • Reports mismatch resolved
  • Thrift not showing for some customers fixed
  • Center meeting date change issue fixed
  • Overdue report corrected
  • Member id issue resolved
  • Loan index date correction done
  • Each heading showing twice in Appraisal sheet corrected
  • Interest amount issue resolved
  • Staff Transfer issue resolved
  • Missing members checked and added
  • Transfer staff issue resolved
  • As per request, changed the loan start date for customers from backend
  • Eod page issue resolved
  • Search bar in loan index page working for all pages now
  • Individual Loan switched off the client who requested
  • Receipt vouchers not showing in EOD issue resolved
  • Issue in highmark data resolved
  • Double center transfer done by client and rectified by us
  • Removed records from auditing tool as per the request
  • Same id for 2 customers issue fixed
  • Access given to view all the tickets for the client who requested
  • IDBI member upload issue resolved
  • Data submission report issue fixed
  • FOIR and REIR calculations corrected
  • Sub admin access set as per the client request
  • Credit appraisal issues fixed
  • Disbursement amount double showing resolved
  • PF and GST wrongly calculated fixed
  • Due date issue fixed
  • Not able to close the loan by client issue checked and fixed
  • Voucher entry issue resolved
  • Wallet used not generated in journal entry is resolved
  • Schedule updation done as per request
  • Wallet amount not reflecting issues fixed
  • Ledger report issue fixed
  • Deleted few loans as per request
  • Officer name showing wrong in loan disbursement fixed
  • Missing details in Dashboard
  • Day book corrections done
  • JLG file issue fixed
  • Loan cycle issues fixed
  • Deleted the amount from wallet as per request
  • Cash opening balance difference resolved
  • Mobile app issues fixed
  • Collection approval issue fixed
  • Issues in Loan disbursement report fixed
  • Applied amount issue fixed
  • Loan card corrections done
  • Insurance report corrections done
  • Loan disbursement voucher showing wrong issue fixed
  • Auditing Tool issue resolved