On the Dashboard, Live Cummulative details of the company is updated for easy verifications.

  • Number of Centers
  • Number of Groups
  • Total Members Count
  • Active Member (Loan Members)
  • Total Staffs
  • Total SMS used 
  • Total Funders (Inversters of the Company)
  • Loan Disbursement (Total Loan Amount Disbursed till date)
  • Outstanding Balance

Demand Collection Details

  • Select the MFI/Individual Loan Demand to be viewed.

  • Select the Center/Group wise Demand to be viewed.

  • Export file will be in CSV format and shows the Day wise collection of Field Officer, Branch, Center, Number of Members in the collection Center/Group.

  • By clicking the <</>>, we can check the previous/Future weeks demand
  • On demand collection Details à Date, Day, Total Group/Center.
  • Total Members of the particular group having demand collection.
  • Principle, Interest, Total Demand to the particular date to be collected


  • Shows the total groups and members collection done.
  • Total collection amount (Principle+Interest)
  • Yet to collect shows the pending amount of collection need to do.
  • Arrear Due shows the non-payable amount on the particular demand date
  • Loan Index Details
    • Select the MFI/Individual Loan Demand to view the Day wise details
    • By clicking the <</>>, we can check the previous/Future weeks demand
    • Shows the Loan Index (Loan Number), Disbursement Date.
    • Loan Startus à Whether the loan is disbursed/yet to disburse
    • Branch, Center Name, Loan Amount (Principle, Interest Amount, Member count for the particular loan index)
  • End Of Day Status

    Shows the Status of Branches (Individually) with the basic details.

    • Branch Name
    • Opening and Closing Balance of the particular Branch
    • EOD Status – Shows whether the daily closing is done or not.
    • EOD done Time, Date and closed by respective login or not.
    • Branch Manager’s Name and Contact Number.
    • Export the same on the Download option in CSV format.
  • Select Branch & Centre based on that particular Branch & Centre -> Collection and details be dispalyed