1.Click the Range Product Loan to Create the proposal


2. Select the Center, Loan Proposal Date and Time, Member Meet up and Map the Location, Meet up time of the particular Center /Group, Loan Type, Click on Next Button


3.Add Member Details - Select the Member Lead for the particular Center/Group, Center Officer (Collection Officer), Select the Group, Select the Member by clicking on the Switching ON the button.

4. Eye Icon shows the Bank Details and the updates can be done


5.Is Fixed EMI will schedule the loan Schedules as same Amount.

6.For Loan Index Date correction à Start and End Date can be changes, if required before the disbursement (Memberwise Start and End can be changed)

7.View All Member shows the overall view of the selected members and their basic details like

  • Member Unique ID, Name, Age, Phone Number, etc.,
  • Product Name
  • Loan Amount with the Number of Installments and the Loan Cycle.
  • Group Number and Name which the members are mapped through.

8.Shows the Loan Schedule for the selected member respectively.


9.Shows the Thrift collection Schedule chart.

9.Click view application








10.Basic Details and Loan Details will be fetched on the Loan Application as per the inputs given in the Member page and the loan product selected to the respective members.

10.1.Loan Application can be downloaded directly from the Loan Application and Member & Co-Application signature.





11.Click à Update to Save the Loan Index Proposal.