1.Click on the Add Product Loan Index for creating the Loans, Product wise which the members with the same product can be created.



2.Select the Center, Group, Member Lead, Center Officer (Collection officer), Loan Type, Product, Member Meet up Location (Address), Select location on Map (Need to conform from the Map), Meet up Time (Collection Time for the particular Center/Group), Loan Proposal Date, Loan Start and End Date (Collection Start and End Date which will be calculated from the product inputs created at Master Page à Product)





3.If Thrift need to be added, need to Switch ON the Active Button and the Thrift Product to be selected.

  • Thrift details can be viewed after selecting the Thrift Product by clicking the button
  • Thrift Start and End Date will be calculated as per the Thrift Product created in the Master page.

4.Some basic details like Members on the particular product. Investment Amount, Amount needed, Total Received, Total Outstanding, etc., will be shown for the assessment

  • Loan Chart will be created for the verification.






5.Member to be selected for the particular loan Index and the basic details like Member Unique ID, name, phone Number, Purpose of Loan Category, Purpose of Loan, Loan cycle will shown and need to select respectively.

Click à Update and Save the Product Loan Index. 

  1. Custom Product Loan