1.Select the GroupWise Loan Index by clicking àAdd Group Loan Index



2.Select the Branch, Center, Member Location, Map the Location (By selecting Location on Map) 

& Click Next


  • Meet up time. 
  • Loan Proposal Date.
  • Loan Type and select the Next Button 

  • Select the Group
  • Member lead (Leader for the particular Group
  • Center Officer
  • Product
  • Loan Start Date 
  • Basic details like Member Unique ID, Name, Phone Number will be shown.
  • Need to select the Purpose of Loan Category.
  • Purpose of Loan.
  • Loan Cycle (Number of repeat Loan to this particular member)

3.By clicking the Member Details check All à All the members will be selected.

4.Here the selected product details will be shown like

  • Name of the product
  • Type of Product (Flat, Dimnishing, Custom)
  • Principle, Interest in Percentage and Rupees
  • Installment Type and the Member Amount  (Loan Amount of the particular Member)

5.Add Sub-Group if required and the Sub Group Name and Product to be selected which is created in the Master Page.


6.If Thrift is Active for the particular Group àSwitch ON the button and Select the Product

Click Next à


7.View All Member show the basic details like

  • Member Unique ID, Name, Age, Phone Number, etc.,
  • Product Name, Number of Installment, Loan Cycle, Group Name.
  • By clicking the View Loan Details à
  • Loan chart will be verified in details of EMI and the Total Value of Principle & Interest.


9.By clicking the View Application à

10.The basic details will be fetched from the Member Page and It can be downloaded for the Member, Co-Applicant Signature with the loan details & Click à Update to save





11.Loan Index Number will be generated by the system which is considered as the Loan Number for the particular Group.


12.Loan Status show whether the particular Loan is Disbursed/Yet to Disburse

  • Shows the Loan Amount for the particular Group (Total)
  • Center Name
  • Group Name
  • Officer Name (Collection Officer)
  • Proposal Date (Loan Proposal Date)
  • Disbusement Date (Date will be updated once the loan is Disbursed)
  • Start and End Date (Collection Date)
  • Edit and Delete options




13.Loan Proposal can be Approved/Rejected by clicking the Button.

14.Filter can be done Branch wise / Centerwise / GroupWise & Search option à By Loan Index Number/Branch/Center/Group & Reset button for removing the filter option.