Here we are creating the Training Schedule and the verification processes.

1.Add Auditing Tool 

  • Click the Button (Add Auditing Tool) to create the New Training


  • Select the Branch, Center and Group from the dropdown
  • Meetup Location (Address/Area details need to provided

  • Select Location on Map
  • Proposal Date 
  • Centerwise or Groupwise Switch (We can select the Auditing to be done to the respective Center or to the particular Group)




2. DAY -1 : 

  • Date (Select the Training Date and Time)
  • Select the Officer (Respective officer to conduct the CGT)
  • Select the Questionnaire (Need to select the type of questions to ask the members by the officer which is created on the Masters Page)
  • If it’s the final day, then select the IS FINAL DAY switch

  • Select Supervisor (If it’s the final day, need to assign the supervisor for that training)
  • Select Supervisor Questionnaire (Also select the questionnaire type for the particular supervisor)
  • If we need to do the Multiple days training, select the ADD button. 

Click on the Save button to complete the Training Audit preparation.