Go to Master -> Click add center



Click add center –> Select branch from dropdown, Enter Center name, Center id (once branch selected by default center id will be created ), Center Address, Center pin code, phone number, Landmark, Member meet-up location &   Click to set Centre Location on Map, Meeting day set from the drop-down, Meeting Frequency set from the drop-down, Meeting Time, Next Meeting Date, Start date, Village 


Click save 


Click Individual Loan Centre -> switch on 


Click Default( No loan ) -> switch on


Click Is weekday based Centre  ->   switch on


Click add edit – Select branch from dropdown, Center name, Center id (once branch selected by default center id will be created ), Center Address, Center pin code, phone number, Landmark, Member meet-up location &   Click to set Centre Location on Map, Meeting day set from the drop-down, Meeting Frequency set from the drop-down, Meeting Time, Next Meeting Date, Start date, Village & Click update – all details saved & add to the list 


Click delete – center will be deleted & if collection started means can’t delete the center


Search - Branch Name, Center Name, Address, Pincode, Group, Member


Branch – click drop down based on the branch & center details will be displayed


Branch List-display with column name – Branch name, Centre name,   Address, Pincode, Group, Member, Meeting day, Edit, Delete


Click Previous and Next -> 20 counts will be displayed in Pagination