1. After the login dashboard will be loaded, Top of the left click SquareNow Logo &  Dashboard, Live Cummulative details of the company are updated for easy verifications. 

  • Number of Centers, Number of Groups, Total Members Count, Active Member (Loan Members), Total Staffs, Total SMS used, Total Funders (Investor of the Company), Loan Disbursement (Total Loan Amount Disbursed till date), Outstanding Balance this all details be displayed in the dashboard.
  • Demand Collection Details


2.Select the MFI/Individual Loan Demand to be viewed.


3.Select the Center/Group wise Demand to be viewed.


4.Export file will be in CSV format and shows the Day wise collection of Field Officer, Branch, Center, Number of Members in the collection Center/Group.








5.By clicking the <</>>, we can check the previous/Future weeks demand

  • On demand collection Details à Date, Day, Total Group/Center.
  • Total Members of the particular group having demand collection.
  • Principle, Interest, Total Demand to the particular date to be collected


  • Shows the total groups and members collection done.
  • Total collection amount (Principle+Interest)
  • Yet to collect shows the pending amount of collection need to do.
  • Arrear Due shows the non-payable amount on the particular demand date.

7.Loan Index Details

  • Select the MFI/Individual Loan Demand to view the Day wise details
  • By clicking the <</>>, we can check the previous/Future weeks demand
  • Shows the Loan Index (Loan Number), Disbursement Date.
  • Loan Startus à Whether the loan is disbursed/yet to disburse
  • Branch, Center Name, Loan Amount (Principle, Interest Amount, Member count for the particular loan index)


8.End Of Day Status

  • Shows the Status of Branches (Individually) with the basic details.

  • Branch Name
  • Opening and Closing Balance of the particular Branch
  • EOD Status – Shows whether the daily closing is done or not.
  • EOD done Time, Date and closed by respective login or not.
  • Branch Manager’s Name and Contact Number.
  • Export the same on the Download option in CSV format.






9.Select Branch & Centre based on that particular Branch & Centre -> Collection and Map location details be displayed

10.Maps shows the particular field officer details like Current Location, Amount to collect, Cash in Hand, etc.,